2013年2月10日 星期日

The Time of My Life

The Time of My Life
The Time of My Life  點我~點我  博客來CD DVD 書籍 服飾 雜誌  全館分享
  《PS, 我愛妳》作者西西莉雅‧艾亨對世人語重心長的溫柔提醒
  你過得好嗎?還是每天忙裡忙外,卻忽略掉自己該有的生活?就像Lucy Silchester這樣,每天為了許多瑣事團團轉,內容不外乎是:身邊的朋友、煩雜的工作以及狀況江河日下的老車等等。看似一直庸庸碌碌、停滯不前的Lucy,其實對自身的狀況心知肚明。
  Lose yourself in the magical world of No.1 bestselling author, Cecelia Ahern. Are you taking your life for granted? Lucy Silchester is. She’s busied herself with other stuff: friends’ lives, work issues, her deteriorating car, that kind of thing. But she’s stuck in a rut - and deluding everyone. Only Lucy knows the real truth. Time for a wake-up call - a meeting with life. And life turns out to be a kindly, rather run-down man in an old suit, who is determined to bring about change - and won’t let Lucy off the hook. Sometimes we all need to make time for our life...
The Time of My Life
The Time of My Life  點我~點我  博客來CD DVD 書籍 服飾 雜誌  全館分享
The Time of My Life
The Time of My Life  點我~點我  博客來CD DVD 書籍 服飾 雜誌  全館分享
The Time of My Life
The Time of My Life  點我~點我  博客來CD DVD 書籍 服飾 雜誌  全館分享

