2013年2月10日 星期日

Ten Things I’ve Learnt about Love

Ten Things I’ve Learnt about Love
Ten Things I’ve Learnt about Love  點我~點我  博客來CD DVD 書籍 服飾 雜誌  全館分享
  這部以倫敦為背景的小說,透過一對父女的互相找尋,帶出了現代人對家、對歸屬感的渴望。作者Sarah Butler以其運著詩意的筆,為讀者們描繪了一幅肯定愛與生命的心靈浮世繪,溫暖地撫慰每個受傷的靈魂。
  A uniquely heart-wrenching and life-affirming novel for fathers and daughters everywhere.
  Alice has just returned to London from months of travelling abroad. She is late to hear the news that her father is dying, and arrives at the family home only just in time to say goodbye. Daniel hasn’t had a roof over his head for years, but to him the city of London feels like home in a way that no bricks and mortar ever did. He spends every day searching for his daughter; the daughter he has never met. Until now . . .Heart-wrenching and life-affirming, this is a unique story of love lost and found, of rootlessness and homecoming and the power of the ties that bind.It is a story for fathers and daughters everywhere.
Ten Things I’ve Learnt about Love
Ten Things I’ve Learnt about Love  點我~點我  博客來CD DVD 書籍 服飾 雜誌  全館分享
Ten Things I’ve Learnt about Love
Ten Things I’ve Learnt about Love  點我~點我  博客來CD DVD 書籍 服飾 雜誌  全館分享
Ten Things I’ve Learnt about Love
Ten Things I’ve Learnt about Love  點我~點我  博客來CD DVD 書籍 服飾 雜誌  全館分享

